Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ayurvedic Herbs ... More


Latin Name
Terminalia chebula

Sanskrit Name

Hindi Name


English Name
Chebulic Myrobalans, Indian Gallnut

Parts Used

Fruit (not a nut). Each plant and part has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits. This tree is found wild in the forests of northern and central India, Bengal, Madras, Mysore, and the southern Bombay Presidency.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses
  • Haritaki is known as a top-notch rasayana fruit in ayurveda. It is traditionally said to be as safe and nurturing as mother's milk.
  • It detoxifies and nourishes all the dhatus (body tissues).
  • In combination with Emblic Myroblans and Beleric Myrobalans, it forms the famous ayurvedic remedy Triphala.
  • There are six tastes in ayurveda -- sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astrigent. Haritaki contains five out of the six tastes -- all except salty. So it is a rasayana suitable for everyone.
  • There are seven varieties of Haritaki, and Vijaya is considered the superior variety of this fruit. Maharishi Ayurveda formulations are all prepared with the Vijaya variety for the best rasayana value.
  • Haritaki is considered good for constipation and has antioxidant properties. It has positive effects on the hair, skin, eyes and liver.


Latin Name
Nardostachys jatamansi

Sanskrit Name

Hindi Name

English Name
Muskroot, Indian Spikenard, (Indian Valerian -- informal)

Parts Used

Rhizome, rhizome oil. Each plant and part has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits. Only found at high altitudes (from 10,000 to 17,000 feet) in India, Bhutan, and Sikkim.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses
  • Famous in ayurveda as an herb to combat the effects of day-to-day stress. It has the property of enhancing the body's innate ability to sleep well.
  • It is considered a holy or "divine" plant in ayurveda and has traditionally been used as an air purifier. Charaka's ayurvedic text recommends it highly for insomnia, mental instability and to enhance memory.
  • It is said to promote growth and maintain the color of hair.


Latin Name
Centella asiatica, Hydrocotyle asiatica

Sanskrit Name

Hindi Name

English Name
Gotu-Kola, Indian Pennywort

Parts Used

Whole herb. Every plant has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits. Mandukaparni can be found around the world in shaded, watery places.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses
  • Mandukaparni acts as a powerful brain food, and is known for its ability to enhance mind power (Medhya Rasayana effect). It supports and improves all aspects of mental functioning, including comprehension (Dhi), memory (Dhriti) and recollection (Smriti). It is important because it coordinates these three aspects of mind power to develop the full potential of the mind.
  • Mandukaparni has a very valuable and saught-after Vayasthapana effect, meaning that it helps retard the aging process. It is excellent for both internal and topical application. French scientists recently did some breakthrough research to show it stimulates synthesis of collagen, for powerful anti-aging effects for the skin.
  • Mandukaparni nourishes the mind-body connection and enhances the psychoneuro immune (PNI) response.
  • Mandukaparni supports the formation of quality blood (Rakta Dhatu), as well as the bone marrow and nerves (Majja Dhatu).


Latin Name
Rubia cordifolia

Sanskrit Name

Hindi Name

English Name
Indian Madder / Bengal Madder

Parts Used

Root. Each plant has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits. This climbing plant is found in the northwest Himalayas and hilly districts of India.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses
  • Manjistha supports the formation of quality nutrient plasma (Rasa Dhatu), blood (Rakta Dhatu), and fat (Meda Dhatu).


Latin Name
Azadirachta indica, Melia azadirachta

Sanskrit Name

Hindi Name

English Name

Parts Used

Entire plant, leaf, bark. Each part has a different therapeutic value and must be prepared in its own way for maximum benefits. This tree can be found nearly all over India.

Traditional Ayurvedic Uses
  • There are several bitter tonics in ayurveda which help detoxification and help enhance the immune system, and Neem is one of the best. Neem helps detoxify the liver and skin and has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

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