Thursday, May 17, 2007

Imperial Tea and Spices


The health benefits of tea have been receiving attention in the media. Tea's ability to promote good health has long been promoted and believed in China. Recent research has been able to identify the components in tea that appear to be directly related to tea's health promoting benefits.

Several substances, classified as antioxidants (also referred to as polyphenols), are found in tea and these are the components that are able to combine with unstable positively charged oxygen molecules, otherwise known as 'free radicals'. The 'free radicals' have been shown to cause not only cellular damage but also can damage DNA. As a consequence to the damage, various health problems develop...


Turmeric has been used for centuries to treat indigestion and a host of other ailments for centuries But it was considered only a culinary spice in many other parts of the world until the early 1970s, when laboratory researchers discovered notable inflammation-fighting compounds called curcuminoids in the herb. The most important of these--and the most intensively studied by far--is curcumin.The plant's healing properties reside in its fingerlike stalk, which is scalded and then dried for medicinal preparations. This is the same part of the plant used to flavor, color, and preserve foods...

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